C-Scope-CXL-DXL Pipe & Cable Locators
C-Scope-CXL-DXL Pipe & Cable locators are high performance pipe and cable avoidance tools. They use the latest in advanced digital signal processing technology. C-Scope range are the most modern design of locator available. They find the exact location and depth of buried pipes and cables. Use immediately prior to any form of excavation work taking place. Day or night.
C.Scope CXL & DXL Features:
East to use |
Rugged construction |
4 detecting modes with unique “ALLSCAN” mode |
Local LCD indicator and extendable microphone |
Models with depth indication |
Battery level indicator |
A C.Scope SGA or SGV signal generators are vital components to add to a C.Scope of the cable detectors. They increase the number of buried services that can be detected.
C-Scope-CXL-DXL Pipe & Cable locators are high performance pipe and cable avoidance tools. They use the latest in advanced digital signal processing technology. C-Scope-CXL-DXL are the most modern design of locator available. They find the exact location and depth of buried pipes and cables. Use immediately prior to any form of excavation work taking place. Day or night.